Perito Moreno

Perito Moreno

Listed as UNESCO World Heritage, the Perito Moreno Glacier is one of the most spectacular Andean glaciers and easier to access. It is just over 50 km from El Calafate. Most of the glacier is visible from the main view point, a real monster, 15 km long and 5 km wide, it reaches 60-70 meters above lake level. Its area is the equivalent of a city like Buenos Aires ! One could spend hours observing and tracking its impressive movements and sounds. It was certainly one of the most impressive sight of the nature I ever witnessed. Simply Majestic.

Perito Moreno from Airplane

I took my first glance at the glacier – without even knowing it was the Perito Moreno – while taking pictures from an airplane window on the flight from Santiago to Punta Arenas.

Perito Moreno and Photography

The main view point is just in front of the glacier were most of the pictures are taken. You can also take a boat tour, which I took. I was not very convinced about it at first but after the tour I was rather pleased with the view we had of the glacier from the Lago Argentino.

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